Heather Ridge Infant School

Outdoor learning

At Heather Ridge we are blessed with lots of outdoor learning spaces for the children to continue their learning. We strongly believe that all children should be able to enhance their learning outdoors. We have designated and developed some of our outdoor areas. We have included log circles for children to sit and learn, added fencing to make the children feel safe whilst they are outside and added some canopies too. We have built flower beds for each year group so children can plant seeds and watch them grow.

Some of the main benefits of outdoor education brings are enhancing  problem-solving skills, communication, resilience, exploration, experimentation, and developing contextual learning.

Outdoor learning is a great way to bring tangible cognitive, social, physical and mental benefits to children and support future life skills. 

Here are some of the things children learn throughout the year during their outdoor learning days; 


Year R
Pond dipping
Seasonal change
Observation of change


Year 1
Light and dark
Seasonal change
Den making
Identifying plants and trees
Growing plants


Year 2
Living things and their habitats
Living, dead and never alive
Babies and offspring
Healthy eating
Comparing materials 

Outdoor Learning

