Mathematics is one of the core subjects of the National Curriculum. It is a subject that equips children with a range of skills that include logical reasoning, problem solving and the ability to think in abstract ways.
At Heather Ridge we believe that Mathematics is a subject that can stimulate moments of pleasure and wonder when pupils see patterns, make connections and solve problems.
Our main aim at Heather Ridge is to open our children’s eyes to the fact that Maths is all around us and part of everything that we do every day. From reading our alarm clock when we wake up, to building a model using bricks, to finding the page in the book we are reading!
We can make mathematics real for our children by providing them with opportunities that develop:
· Mathematical thinking through the experiences that we give children.
· Concepts and skills sequentially through carefully structured activities.
· Learning which is meaningful and purposeful.
· Exciting activities which instill a passion for mathematics.
At Heather Ridge we want children to become numerate and to acquire a sound understanding of all mathematical concepts such as shape, space, measures and handling data. The children are taught strategies to help them carry out mental calculations and to tackle problem solving activities with confidence. This is achieved by providing numeracy lessons and activities that are enjoyable and stimulating, relevant and thought provoking. Lessons and activities also involve effective questioning and ensure good mathematical progression throughout the school. Through these many and varied mathematical experiences, children at Heather Ridge are provided with a sound foundation on which future mathematical development can be achieved. Key aspects of learning such as thinking, communication and social skills are also developed throughout the range of mathematical activities provided.
All pupils have access to the Mathematics curriculum and regardless of gender, race or disability all pupils have opportunities to achieve to the best of their ability.